Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Evening out

After getting throttled for the first 3 months of the year, Neal is starting to show his Settlers skills and the numbers are starting to even out. Neal has won 4 of the last 8 games. Janessa still leads the pack and seemingly can flex her muscle at any moment. BJ is making his move to get closer to Ness, and aided by friendly trading practices between husband and wife, seems to be on the verge of making major strides forward. It should be noted that Neal has no friendly trading partners, and is therefore at a disadvantage in the game. But real Catan Skills don't need friendly trading.

On a final note, the law has finally been laid down for good. Ness is no longer a rookie, and can no longer be given rookie treatment with regards to the rule "a road/settlement/city laid is a road/settlement/city played." She's had her final mulligan, and will now be playing according to the rules set forth by the Catan Lords of the Burt/Barth/Hoagland clans.

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